Chance Monsoon

I have written quite a few works for guitar, though most of them are for electric guitar.
When Soichi Muraji asked me to write a piece for acoustic guitar, I thought it would be a nice chance to explore the possibilities of writing for that instrument. I always found it tricky writing for the guitar due to limitations on holding chords as well as the softness of the instrument. While working on Chance Monsoon, as usual, I would send all of the fragments I had written that day to Soichi. He would record video of himself playing the material and then send it back to me. We did this almost every day until I finished writing the piece.

Toward the middle of the piece, I discovered a surprisingly wonderful effect - quick, fluttering arpeggios using combinations of normal notes and high-pitched harmonics. The music unfolds from the first arpeggio at a breakneck pace (but always gracefully) and smoothly elides into a warm, song-like section.

The sound of the guitar is like a piece of small jewelry and I am continually figuring out how to spin it into a big world, or a whole universe.
How can I project to the world from this sensitive, beautiful instrument? That was my aim for this work.

Dai Fujikura (edited by Jordan Dodson)


《Chance Monsoon》は村治奏一さんからのリクエストで書いたソロのギターの作品。依頼を受けて結構即書き始めたため、今から思うと大分前に書かれた作品のように感じます。どんな曲だったかな?と、今自分の楽譜を見て思い出しながらこのプログラムノートを書いています。
ギターでトレモロからアルペジオに、普通に抑えられたアルペジオからハーモニクスに変化していくなど、スカイプで色々試してもらったら、思った以上に面白い音色が出ていたし、確か村治さんもびっくりしていた様子でした。その小さな宝石のようなギターからどうやって大きな世界、宇宙を生み出すか…という感じを僕は出したかった、というかギターからそんな世界を発信するようなイメージで書き進めていったと記憶しています。(藤倉 大)

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