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--- SCORE + Albums ---

ALL digital scores and albums
of Dai Fujikura are available to purchase from here. Some are shown below,
if you would like to buy any other titles, please write directly to the shop:
E-mail Online Store (

下にある作品/アルバムをご購入されたい際は、下記のアドレスま でご送付く ださい。
E-mail Online Store ( (日本語のメールもOKです)

All in British Pounds, excluding shipping:

(PDF score)
***Solo part of any of concertos is sold individually***
Abandoned Time for electric guitar and ensemble (study score)
Accompanying Franz for solo voice £20
A Dream of Armageddon (opera)
for study score £75
A Dream of Armageddon (opera)
for VOCAL score £45
"Akiko's Piano" - Piano Concerto No.4  study score £45
Ai (合い)  for sho £35
Akiko's Diary  for solo piano £35
Alone, Speak for solo electric guitar £35
AMPERE - Piano Concerto No.1 for piano and orchestra (study score) £45
ATOM for orchestra (study score) £45
Autumn and Spring for clarinet, shamisen, and optional narrator (performance £45
away we play 2 sopranos and 1 alto £35
AYATORI (Two Little Piano Pieces, seksek) for piano £21
Banitza Groove study score £45
Bassoon Concerto for bassoon and orchestra (study score) £45
Be for solo percussion £22
Be II for percussion quartet (score+performing parts) £55
being as one for soprano, bass clarinet and cello (study score) £35
being as one for soprano, bass clarinet and cello (score+performing parts) £36
Bis for double bass £35
Blast for Double Bass £45
Bell (obi II) for Trumpet and backing track (score and backing track) £75
Bliss for Sheng, Daegeum, Koto, Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass (study score) £35
Borrowed Landscape for violin, piano, double bass (performing score/parts - to perform this work, "Akiko's Diary" score is also needed which is not included in this set) £100
Breathless for toy piano and violin (score and parts) £35
Breathing Tides for sho and oboe  (performing score) £35
Bridging Realms for fortepiano (can be played on modern piano too) £35
Bright Codes (A+B+C+D) for piano £35
Broken Shackle for Bass Clarinet and Accordion (score+performing parts) £35
Bueno Ueno for saxophone and (any) drum (score+performing parts) £35
But, I fly for 12 voices £ 60 (for one choir)
Calling for bassoon £26
Cello Concerto (study score) £35
Chance Monsoon for guitar £22
Chattering Birds for percussion duo (score and performing parts)
Chirping Bird for solo percussion
Clari4nics for clarinet quartet (score+ performing parts) £55
Contour for Tuba £35
Contour for Contrabass Clarinet or Bass Clarinet version £35
Contour for Bassoon version £35
Cosmic Breath for wind quintet (study score only) £25
Cosmic Breath for wind quintet (score and performing parts) £65
Cosmic Maps for 2 pianos £45
Crossing Paths easy piano piece or for any instrument(s) £25
Cutting Sky for koto and viola (score and performing parts) £35
Cutting Sky for koto and shamisen version (score and performing parts) £35
Daidai for marimba and 3 percussions (Score and performing parts) £55
Dash for soprano saxophone and harp soprano saxophone and guitar, soprano saxophone and piano alto flute and harp alto flute and guitar alto flute and piano clarinet and harp clarinet and guitar clarinet and piano score (all in one)+ performing parts £55
Dawn Passacaglia for soprano £35
Dawn Passacaglia for violin version £35
Dawn Passacaglia for viola version £35
Deconstructing Franz for string quartet (SCORE+ performing PARTS) £55
deliquesce for trombone £26
Diamond Dust for piano and ensemble (study score) £35
Dolphins for violin duo (study score) £35
Dolphins for viola duo (study score) £35
Dolphins for cello duo (study score) £35
Dolphins for alto saxophone duo (study score) £35
Dolphins for violin duo (performing parts and score) £34
Dolphins for viola duo (performing parts and score) £34
Dolphins for cello duo (performing parts and score) £34
Dolphins for alto saxophone duo (performing parts and score) £34
Double Bass Concerto for Double Bass and orchestra (study score) £22
for natural horn
Engraving for violin version £22
Engraving for cello version £22
Engraving for viola £22
es for Double Bass £20
Eternal Escape for cello £22
Furusato (Near Away Home Town) for orchestra (parts and score rental) contact SHOP E-mail Online Store (
Everyone a Piano Star
だ れでもピアノ・スター
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, accompaniment composed by Dai Fujikura
for 2 pianos/2 pianists
Flicker for cello and piano £16
Floating Fireflies for harp £35
Fluid Calligraphy for violin (optional video) score only £24
Fluid Calligraphy for violin with VIDEO (2 versions, LIVE-video patch and also .MOV version) £110
Flute Concerto for orchestra version (study score) £45
Flute Concerto for Ensemble version (study score) £35
flux for viola £20
Following for bassoon £15
Frozen Heat (ensemble version) pic, ssax, tsax, bsax, hn, 3tpt, 2trb, btrb, pf, db (study score) £45
Frozen Heat + Deepened Arc for piano £22
Dawn Passacaglia for soprano £12
Ghost of Christmas
for Orchestra (study score)
Glacier for bass flute £15
Gleaming Crossings for guitar £35
Glorious Clouds for Orchestra (study score) £45
GO for piano, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn
GO for piano, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn
Go (movement V for clarinet) for clarinet
Gold-bug, The (opera) (study score, in English+German+French) £75
Gold-bug, The (opera) (VOCAL score, in English+German+French) £45
Gran Partita
for Wind ensemble (study score)
Green Tea Concerto (study score) £55
halcyon for clarinet, violin, viola, cello (study score) £21
halcyon for clarinet, violin, viola, cello SCORE+Performing parts £45
Half Moon for biwa £25
Half-Remembered City for piano duo (4 hands) £22
Harahara for Horn £45
Hidden Tree for Cello £35
Hop for Clarinet, Cello and Piano (score+performing parts) £45
IMPULSE - Piano Concerto No3 for piano and orchestra £45
Infinite String for for strings STUDY SCORE £45
Inkling for trumpet £13
Jack for harpsichord £45
Jiai for gidayu shamisen (or shamisen) £45
Joule for piano £25
Ki i te for soprano £18
K's Ocean for trombone and backing track £55
Kodama for marimba duo £55
Korokoro for shakuhachi £26
Koto Concerto (orchestra version)
for koto and orchestra (study score)
Koto Concerto (ensemble version)
for koto and ensemble (study score)
Koto Concerto (koto and piano version)
for koto and piano (performing score/parts)
Kusmetche for violin £12
Lake Side sop, mez (2 female voices)
and also
sop, sop, alto (3 female voices) version
Lila for flute/bass flute (Contrabass flute) £26
line by line for violin £35
Love Excerpt for mezzo soprano and piano £26
Midday Silence for mixed voices and ensemble (without double bass version) 
Midday Silence for mixed voices and ensemble (with double bass version) 
milliampere for toy piano £18
milliampere for guitar version (6 string version and 8 string version)
Mina's Song for toy piano £25
Mina for 5 soloists and orchestra (study score) £55
minimina for vibraphone £15
Mirrors for 6 cello (study score) £35
Mirage for oboe £45
Mirage for soprano saxophone version £45
Mirrors for 12 cello (study score) £35
momiji for shakuhachi and koto (13 string) £48
moment for cello £18
Moon for Viola da Gamba and Biwa score+performing parts £35
moromoro for piano and electronics ONLY £75
moromoro for piano, electornics and VIDEO £110
Motion Notions for violin and electronics £35
my butterflies for wind orchestra (study score) £45
my letter to the world for baritone and piano £21
my letter to the world for soprano and piano £21
my letter to the world for baritone and orchestra (version, study score) £27

Narwhal Echo
for 3 part female voice and cello £35
Furusato (Near Away Home Town) for orchestra (parts and score rental) contact SHOP E-mail Online Store (
neo for shamisen £26
New House, The for chorus £35 (for one choir)
nui for piano, violin and cello (score and performing parts) £45
nui 2 for piano, violin and cello (score and performing parts) £55
obi (帯) for sho and electronics (backing WAV) £45
(full cycle):
1:Touch of Breeze
2: Breathing Tides
3: Cutting Sky
5: Okeanos Breeze
for sho, koto, viola, oboe, clarinet (with handheld percussions)

SCORE and performing parts
Okeanos Breeze for sho, koto, viola, oboe, clarinet (with handheld percussions)
SCORE and performing parts

(also alternative version, daegeum/marimba instead of clarinet, violin instead of oboe, sheng instead of sho)
osm for cello £45
Padong for violin version) £35
Padong for haegeum £35
Past Beginnings for fortepiano £45
Papaver for Mixed Choir £ 60 (for one choir)
Perla for bass recorder £20
Perpetual Spring for Clarinet+String Quartet
score+performing parts
Phantom Pulse for 12 percussionists (study score) £45
Phantom Splinter for ob, cl, bn and electronics (study score) £25
Phantom Splinter
(lite version)
for ob, cl, bn and electronics (Score + Performing PARTS + electronics) £150
Piano Sonata for piano £65
Pitter-Patter for Violin and Piano £45
Pre for Double Bass
Poison Mushroom for flute with electronics (PDF+WAV) £55
Poyopoyo for horn £35
Prism Spectra for viola with electronics (PDF+Electronics Patch) £120
Quill for mandolin £35
Rare Gravity for orchestra (study score) £45
Reach Out for Saxophone Quartet (study score) £26
Reach Out for Saxophone Quartet (SCORE+ performing PARTS) £65
Recorder Concerto for recorders and orchestra (study score) £24
repetition / recollection for marimba £21
Returning for piano £25
Rubi(co)n for clarinet £25
Ryu for koto £45
SAKANA for tenor saxophone £45
SAKANA for clarinet version (for bass clarinet version, please email the store) £45
Samarasa for violin £35
Samarasa for viola version £35
Sandpiper for (any) flute £35
Sandpiper for (any) clarinet (one version which is suitable for E-flat clarinet)
Sarasara for Marimba £35
Sawasawa (Zawazawa part 2) for marimba and Mixed Choir (marimba part+SCORE) £ 80 (for one choir)
Sawari for shamisen (Long version and Short version) £45
Scarlet Ibis for Double Bass £21
Scion Stems for string trio SCORE+Performing parts £45
Secret Forest for orchestra (study score) £35
secret leaves for bassoon £35
seksek (Two Little Piano Pieces, AYATORI) for piano £21
Serene for recorder £35
Shakuhachi Concerto (Orchestra version) study score study score £45
Shakuhachi Concerto (Ensemble version) study score study score £45
for koto
Silent Seeking Solace for soprano and string quartet (score only) £35
Silent Seeking Solace for soprano and string quartet (SCORE+Parts) £55
SOLARIS (opera) (study score) £75
SOLARIS (opera) (VOCAL score) £45
Sparking Orbit for electric guitar and electronics (backing track)
for cello £45
Sparks for guitar (PDF) £15
Spring and Asura
for piano (PDF) - ALL 4 versions £35
Star Compass for viola £35
Star Compass for cello version £35
still sweet... for sop/mez, va, afl
(versions for [mez, Vc, bass-fl] and for [sop/mez, Vc, afl] are also available)
Stream State for orchestra (study score) £55
String Quartet No.1: Another Place for string quartet (score only) £26
String Quartet No.1: Another Place for string quartet (SCORE+ performing PARTS) £75
String Quartet No.2: flare for string quartet (score only. for parts, please email the store) £26
String Quartet No.2: flare for string quartet (SCORE+ performing PARTS) £75
String Quartet No.3: Aquarius for string quartet (score only. for parts, please email the store) £35
String Quartet No.3: Aquarius for string quartet (SCORE+ performing PARTS) £55
Sweet Suites for cello £35
Sweet Suites for viola version
Tenkei (天恵)
for sheng £35
The Gold-bug (opera) (study score, in English+German+French) £75
The New House for chorus £35 (for one choir)
The Spirit of Beings for cello and electronics
(PDF + Electronics)
The Voice for bassoon and cello (study score) £35
The Voice for bassoon and cello (performing parts and score) £27
Three for trumpet, electric guitar and trombone (with performing parts and score) £45
Three Miniatures for two pianos £26
time unlocked for ob, cl, bn, pf, vln, vla (study score) £35
Trumpet Concerto study score £29
Tocar y Luchar for orchestra (study score) £29
for koto
Tsutsumu (つつむ)
for cello £35
Tuba Concerto for Tuba and Wind Orchestra (study score) £35
Tuba Concerto (Ensemble Version) (study score) £35
Turtle Totem for Clarinet £40
Twin Tweets for Clarinet duo (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for Alto Sxaophone duo (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for Clarinet and Soprano Saxophone version (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for Clarinet and alto Saxophone version (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for Clarinet and violin version (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for Clarinet and shakuhachi version (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for Clarinet and flute version (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for 2 flutes version (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for Viola duo version (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Twin Tweets for Violin duo version (SCORE+performing Parts) £50
Two Little Piano Pieces (seksek, AYATORI) for piano £21
for horn
Uri for percussion £45
UTO for 4 Taiko Drums (or any drums) (score+performing parts) £55
Uzu (渦) for cello £50
Water Path for organ £45
Wayfinder - Viola Concerto (Ensemble Version) Study score £45
Viola Concerto - Wayfinder - (Ensemble Version) Study score £45
Waves for piano £35
Whim for piano £45
Wind Skein for oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, Saxophone, bassoon (study score only) £35
Wind Skein for oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, Saxophone, bassoon
(SCORE + performing PARTS)
White Rainbow for indian harmonium £35
Wondrous Steps for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, violin, cello (study score only) £35
Yuragi (ゆらぎ) for shakuhachi £45
yurayura for horn solo version £35
yurayura for horn and string quartet version (with performing parts) £35
Yuri for 25 string koto £35
Yuri iro for 25 string koto and string quartet (score and performing parts) £55
Za za za for horn and piano (with performing parts) £35
Zawazawa for Mixed Choir £85 (for one choir)

(By ordering digital scores+albums from my website,
you are agreeing with these terms and conditions)

© Copyright Dai Fujikura. All rights reserved.